Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education - JBT Common Entrance Test - Himachal Education

Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education - JBT Common Entrance Test

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JBT Common Entrance Test

DATE OF CET: 7th September, 2008

Consequent upon the decision of the Govt. of HP. to conduct the Common Entrance Test" for admission to Two Years Junior Basic Training Course", the said test shall be conducted by the Board on 7th September, 2008.

There will be a district wise entrance test and candidates can apply for any district irrespective of the domicile. Once a candidate applies for any district he/she will be considered only against the seats of the district. Appointments will also be made in that District only.

The last date for receipt of application forms in the Board`s office from all the candidates belonging to non-tribal areas shall be 21st July, 2008 and for the Candidates belonging to tribal areas it shall be 30th July, 2008.

The Board shall not be responsible for any postal delay. The desirous candidates shall submit their application forms along with fee prescribed. The District-wise allocation of seats for admission in DIET`s, is as under:-

Bilsapur: 150
Chamba: 200
Hamirpur: 150
Kangra: 200
Kinnaur: 50
Kullu: 200
Lahaul & Spiti: 50
Mandi: 200
Shimla: 200
Sirmour: 200
Solan: 150
Una: 50

Apart from above, about 750 seats are also available for privately managed institutes in the Pradesh. There are certain private institutes which have been recognized by the NCTE to run JBT Course for the year 2008-10. Candidates to these institutes will be allotted only from the merit drawn from the CET subject to their affiliation from the HP Board of School Education. In case any other institute also gets recognition of NCTE, that institute will also be considered after it has fulfilled all requirements including affiliation with the Board.


Reservation as prescribed by the Himachal Pradesh Government shall be available to candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes/IRDP/Ex-Servicemen (including wards of Ex-Servicemen/ Dependants of the family of those defence service Personnel who were killed in action or disabled and rendered unfit for civil employment), Children/ Grand children of Freedom Fighters/Physically handicapped/distinguished sports persons who have excelled at District/State/National sports meets/games.

JBT cadre is a district cadre; hence district-wise reservation roster will be applied against the total intake of a particular district in respect of DIET Institutes, while in respect of private institutes combined merit and reservation roster will be drawn out of the common merit list of the State to fill Subsidized and Non-Subsidized Seats in 50:50 ratio.


The reservation in respect of Scheduled Tribe Areas of the State will be regulated under the instructions issued by the Govt. vide letter No.EDN.CA(12)1/2003 dated 18.1.2004.

The candidates belonging to district Lahaul & Spiti, Kinnaur and Pangi and Bharmour areas of Chamba District living out side the District/sub-division and the children of the employees posted in these areas may be allowed only to appear in the JBT common entrance test at their present respective place/centres in the exigencies for the seats of DIETs/District of other districts, however, their candidature shall be treated against the district to which they belong.


MINIMUM ESSENTIAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION FOR CET: The minimum essential educational qualifications for CET will be Senior Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate or 10+2 or its equivalent examination with at least 50% marks for non graduates and 45% for graduates as per norms approved by the Govt. vide notification dated 29.3.2008. The minimum pass marks in JBT Common Entrance Test (Written test) will be as under.-

a) 40% minimum pass marks for General category candidates i.e. 40 marks out of 100.

b) 35% minimum pass marks for reserved category candidates i.e. 35 marks out of 100.


The age limit shall be of 17-28 years as on 31.12.2007 for all candidates. Relaxation up to five years in the upper age limit shall be given to the candidates of reserved categories as per existing rules of the State Government. There will be no upper age limit in case of Ex-servicemen candidates only. However, relaxation in upper age limit shall not be available to the wards/dependents of Ex-Servicemen.


The candidates desirous of appearing in the JBT Common Entrance Test shall have to pay a fee of Rs.200/- for all categories in the form of Bank Draft only drawn in favour of Secretary, H.P. Board of School Education Dharamshala, along with the application form.

All candidates shall have to apply on the prescribed application form. The application form along with fee in the form of Bank Draft only may either be sent under registered cover to reach the Board`s office on or before 21st July, 2008 and 30th July 2008 respectively by the candidates of non-tribal areas and tribal areas and the same can also be deposited at the counter of the Board at Dharamshala on any working day from 10 A.M to 5 P.M within the dates specified above. The applicants are advised to write their names with complete address on the reverse side of the Bank Draft.

4. All the seats are reserved for bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh.


a) The application form should be strictly in accordance with the format, which should either be photo-copy of application form published in the news papers or may be down loaded from the Website (www.hpeducationboard.nic.in ) of the Board.

The application form can also be neatly typed on A-4 size measuring about 21cm x 30cm on Photostat paper while maintaining the arrangement/ sequence of columns as given on the application form. Application forms not in accordance with the prescribed format are liable to be rejected.

b) All the columns must be filled up in English only in Capital letters in ink or with ballpoint/Gel Pen.

c) The application form, complete in all respects, along with (i) two copies of prescribed admission card (20cm x 10cms), (ii) two self-addressed envelopes (25cms x 12cms) and (iii) three pass-port size photographs-one pasted on the right hand side of the application form and one each on the admit cards should be sent under registered cover to the Deputy Secretary (JBT Cell), H.P. Board of School Education Dharamshala-176700 (Kangra), which must reach the Board`s office on or before the stipulated date.

There is no need to get the form/photographs attested from any authority. Applications received after the last date, without fee or less fee or not in accordance with the prescribed format shall be rejected and no refund of fee in such cases shall be made under any circumstances.

The envelope containing application form should be superscribed with words "APPLICATION FORM FOR JBT COMMON ENTRANCE TEST, 2008"

Enclosures with the application form:

1. Demand Draft of Rs.200/- (Please ensure that the name of the applicant with complete address is written on the back side of the Bank Draft)

2. Two self-addressed envelops
3. Admit Card (in duplicate)

QUESTION PAPER: There shall be one question paper having questions of multiple-choice/objective type, carrying 100 questions of one mark each to be attempted within 120 minutes. The subjects along with the distribution of marks shall be as under:

i) Hindi – Marks - 25
ii) English – Marks - 25
iii) Numerical Ability – Marks - 25
iv) General Awareness – Marks - 25

Grand Total: 100

The question papers of Hindi, English & Numerical Ability shall be of 10+2 standard. The questions of General Awareness will be based mainly on Himachal Pradesh.

Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education

Dharamshala – 176 700

Fax: 01892 - 222817
Tel: 01892 - 229033, 229034, 229035, 229036
Website: http://www.hpeducationboard.nic.in

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This Post has 2 Comments Add your own!
Unknown - May 12, 2009 at 1:05 AM

Respecting Sir/Madem, Have a nice day. I want to know about the centre in Shimla or nearby Chandigarh for Common Entrance Test of JBT. Please help me. Thanking you
Chiranji lal
Ph no. +919876877143

Adi Singh - May 23, 2018 at 4:44 AM

Get the full details of HP CET result 2018 and merit list here. Check the tentative dates of HP CET 2018. Steps to view and download the HP CET result 2018 are also provided in this article. Information about merit list of HP CET 2018 is also given here

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