Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education JBT Common Entrance Test-2010 - Himachal Education

Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education JBT Common Entrance Test-2010

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Two Years Junior Basic Training Course” (batch 2009-2011)
Last Date for Receipt of Form : 02 March 2010.
Entrance Date : 27 June 2010.
Eligibility: Minimum Essential Educational Qualification FOR JBT CET: The minimum essential educational qualifications for CET is Senior Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate or 10+2 or its equivalent examination with at least 50% marks for non-graduates and 45% marks for graduates. However, for the purpose of computing percentage of marks, the candidates with at least 49.5% and 44.5% in 10+2 or its equivalent examination for non graduates and graduates respectively shall be eligible to apply and appear for the JBT CET 2009-2011.
The candidates who would be appearing in the qualifying examination but whose results would be declared later on can also apply but their eligibility for the said Entrance Test will be purely provisional subject to the condition that they-have to produce passing certificate scoring the percentage at least prescribed thereto in the qualifying examination on the day of counselling.
Age Limit: The age limit shall be 17-28 years as on 31.12.2009 for all candidates. Relaxation in upper age limit shall be available as per the rules of the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
The following conditions will also be applicable to the candidates of Two Years Course/ Session 2009-2011: 1. 90% attendance would be necessary in the JBT training course. 2. 45% will be the pass marks in JBT Examinations of the 1st Year and 2nd Year. 3. Merit and seniority will be on the basis of the marks secured in the JBT pass course. 4. In case the trainees take leave on medical grounds/ maternity purpose then the training may be extended by the duration of leave taken. 5. During the training the candidates would not pursue any other. Educational course/study either regular or through distance mode. 6. Since contractual appointment will be considered alter passing of JBT course and subject to permission to fill up vacancies, hence, no bond will be executed to serve in the Education Department. 7. After successful completion of JBT Course as above conditions, the candidates are eligible for employment against vacant posts of JBT teacher in Elementary Education Department. Actual appointment will be based on vacancies and necessary approvals to fill the posts. As per present policy fresh appointments are being made on contract.
How To Apply:
The Information Brochure containing Application Form shall be available from 08.2.2010 to 02.3.2010 on the Sale Book Depots of the Board in the State and all offices of the Sub Divisional Magistrates in Himachal Pradesh against cash payment of Rs. 250/- inclusive of fee for the Entrance Examination.
Contact Details:
Dharamshala – 176 700 Tel: 01892-222773, 222373 EPABX Nos. 229033 to 229037 Extn.144
Note : The last date for receipt of application forms in the Board’s office from all the candidates belonging to non-tribal areas shall be 2nd March, 2010 and for candidates belonging to tribal areas it shall be 17th March, 2010.The Board shall not be responsible for any postal delay.

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This Post has 1 Comment Add your own!
kamal - September 19, 2017 at 11:11 PM

excellent blog post.
thank you very much for sharing such a nice post.

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