Himachal Pradesh Education - Himachal Education

Himachal Pradesh Education

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The state of Himachal Pradesh has achieved remarkable feats in the field of education. The government has made continuous efforts in promoting education and has been successful in achieving a very high rate of literacy in the state. The state of Himachal Pradesh produces educated citizens who are proficient in the profession they embark on.The objective of the educational department of the state of Himachal Pradesh is to provide value education and impart true knowledge to make better individuals. With this objective in mind the state has ventured to provide education to the citizens of the state. The government has set up several educational institutions in specific streams for the students. The government sponsored educational institutions undertake graduate and post graduate programs. The government has also set up institutions that specialize in technical education. Special provisions are made for imparting education to the women of the state. The government has established several schools for secondary education in all parts of the state.Himachal Pradesh has been successful in achieving a high rate of primary education that has been made compulsory by the government. The government has made education available for the backward classes of the society as well. Other than the government institutions, there are many private organizations that have established educational institutions in Himachal Pradesh.The government of Himachal Pradesh has made a persistent effort in promoting education in the state. It has emphasized on the all round development of the students and encourages institutions to inculcate extra curricular activities in the education program. The state has thus made a notable achievement in this field.The following are the links to the various schools of Himachal Pradesh:
Himachal Pradesh Schools

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